How to update Windows 10 OS credentials for Universal Copy Service and Local Run Manager for platforms with NextSeq Control Software (NCS) v3.0.0/v4.0.0 or NextSeq Operating Software (NOS) v1.2/v1.3


NextSeq 500/550 instruments with NextSeq Control Software (NCS) v3.0.0/v4.0.0 or NextSeq Operating Software (NOS) v1.2/v1.3 run Windows 10 Operating System (OS), which requires updating the password every 180 days by default. When prompted, as shown in Figure 1a, select OK, then update the Windows password, as shown in Figure 1b.

Figure 1a. Password update prompt.

Figure 1b. Password update.

Changing the Windows 10 OS password does not automatically update passwords used for Universal Copy Service (UCS) and Local Run Manager (LRM). These programs are used by the NextSeq 500/550 system to transfer sequencing run data, for run set-up, and for data analysis. This bulletin provides instructions for updating the UCS and LRM passwords following the Windows 10 OS password update on systems running NextSeq NCS v3.0.0/v4.0.0 and NOS v1.2/v1.3.

If the UCS and LRM service credentials are not updated, UCS and LRM service initiation and operation may be disabled. Disabled operation prevents new run settings from being entered and data transfer from completing. NCS/NOS may fail to initialize, or the following errors may occur:

  • Cannot initiate communication with Universal Copy Service. Make sure that the service is installed and started.
  • The following required software is either not installed or not running. Sequence cannot be performed until this problem is fixed. Contact Illumina Technical Support. Universal Copy Service.

First, to confirm which software version is running, in the control software Home screen select Manage Instrument, then About. The NCS System Suite Version is listed on the About page.

Next, it is important to determine if the NextSeq 500/550 instrument is on domain or off domain, as different credential updating procedures are used for different system IT settings. Consult your IT department or refer to the Appendix for help with determining if the NextSeq 500/550 system is on domain (Section I) or off domain (Section II).

Section I: On domain NextSeq 500/550 systems - Update UCS and LRM credential via service accounts setting in LRM

  1. Open Chromium and type ‘Localhost’ in the address bar to launch LRM.
  2. Log in using an admin account.
  3. From the LRM dashboard navigation bar, select MENU, then select the TOOLS drop-down list, and select System Settings.
  4. Figure 2. System Settings in LRM dashboard navigation bar.

  5. Select the Service Accounts tab.
  6. Figure 3. Service Accounts tab in LRM.

  7. To enable and set the credentials for Analysis Service, Job Service, and Universal Copy Service, select Windows Account.
  8. In the User Name field, confirm that the user name is correct.
  9. In the Password field, enter the updated password (the new Windows 10 password).
  10. Select Save.
  11. At the Confirmation prompt, select Continue.
  12. To confirm that the credentials update has completed, go to Windows Services and confirm that all Illumina services have the account name saved through LRM:

Figure 4. Windows Services credentials confirmation.

For this example, in Windows Services, credentials are set to the local NextSeq 500/550 account (.\sbsuser).

Section II: Off domain NextSeq 500/550 systems - Update UCS and LRM credentials manually via Windows Services

For off domain NextSeq 500/550 systems with NCS v3.0.0/v4.0.0 and easier credentialing, Illumina recommends upgrading to NCS v4.0.2 and following instructions in Section I of bulletin How to update Windows 10 OS credentials for Universal Copy Service and Local Run Manager for platforms with NextSeq Control Software (NCS) v4.0.1. or later, MiniSeq Control Software (MNCS) v2 or later, MiSeq Control Software (MCS) v4 or later. To update credentials in NCS v3.0.0/v4.0.0 and NOS v1.2/v1.3, see the following instructions:

  1. Select the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen. In the Windows search field, enter Services as shown in Figure 5. When Services appears in the results, right-click and select Run as administrator.
  2. Figure 5. In Windows Services, select Run as administrator.

  3. If prompted, enter the local admin credentials (by default the credentials will be the sbsadmin user credentials) in the pop-up window.
  4. Locate the Illumina services.
  5. Right-click on Illumina Local Run Manager Analysis Service. Select Stop.
  6. Right-click again on Illumina Local Run Manager Analysis Service.
  7. Select Properties and navigate to the Log On tab.
  8. Figure 6. Selecting Properties for Illumina Universal Copy Service.

  9. Select This account and Browse… to search for the account. In the Select User window, select Advanced and then Find Now. Select the Local user credentials (default sbsuser) from the search results.
  10. Figure 7. Selecting the local user credentials after clicking Find Now.

  11. Select OK to acknowledge both windows.
  12. Enter the Local user credentials (default sbsuser) password, select Apply and OK.
  13. Restart the service.
  14. Repeat steps 4–10 for Illumina Local Run Manager Job Service, Illumina Universal Copy Service, and Illumina Run Copy Service if they are present in the list.
  15. Shut down and restart the system.
  16. Reference Section I, Step 10, to confirm that required credentials updates have completed.
  17. Off domain NextSeq 500/550 users should consult their internal IT department to update output server permissions with the updated password. See the following instructions to update and save (cache) the output server credentials:
    1. Open File Explorer and enter the output network folder (in UNC format) into the address bar. The server name can be substituted with the server IP address if the server name cannot be used.
    2. Figure 8. Example of Output Network Location.

    3. A Windows Security prompt opens which asks for credentials (Fig. 9).
    4. Enter the username and password of the account with access to the network folder or storage.
    5. Select Remember my credentials, then select OK. If this option is not selected, the cache is saved only temporarily during the login session.
    6. Figure 9. Windows Security Prompt where credentials are entered.

NOTE: Each time the Windows 10 OS password is updated, the UCS/LRM Services credentials also need to be updated. Contact for further assistance.

For more detailed instructions, first-time setup, or to update the Internet Information Services (IIS) LRM user credentials for importing runs, refer to the support bulletin How to connect benchtop instruments and Local Run Manager to a network location.

Appendix: How to determine if instrument is on domain.

  1. Open Windows Control Panel using Win+x short cut on the keyboard.
  2. From Windows Control Panel, select System.
  3. Under Computer name, domain, and work group settings, determine whether the system is off domain (Workgroup) or on Domain as illustrated in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Domain Settings are found under System in Control Panel.

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